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音聲美好你的人生【Yuan He Miao Yin--Beautify Your Life】
來源: | 作者:pmo6334f2 | 發布時間: 2020-01-22 | 1437 次瀏覽 | 分享到:



「元和妙音」是一覺元非常殊勝的法門,末學第一次遇見 弘聖師父上人,就有機緣聽到 師父上人親自唱誦元和妙音,這是非常神奇又能量強大的音律!第一次聽時心中很震撼,但是沒有字句來形容自己的感受,心中有著很大的疑問。後來有機會取得《無住》這張CD在家中時時播放,但還沒有機緣到法堂聽 師父上人說法。只是聽著、聽著,發現元和妙音可以讓心緒變得平穩而專注,就開始極力向朋友推薦這張《無住》CD。像是送給朋友一顆仙丹妙藥,希望可以解決他的問題。直到自己在台北明覺法堂中再度聽聞 師父上人的元和妙音,那時心中的觸動就更強烈。在剛開始學習的那段期間,師父上人的元和妙音常常讓自己的眼淚不聽使喚地涕淚直下,一直到 師父上人音聲結束,眼淚才慢慢收起。在法堂結束後的回家路上,好幾次覺得好疲倦,像剛剛爬過了一座高山,不過心情卻是很平靜的。


當時末學還受嚴重的偏頭痛困擾,去了醫院照過腦波,也研究過一大堆治療頭痛的健康報導及方法,狀況是月復一月的更加嚴重,師父上人說這就是我追求的方向錯誤造成的,導致沒易感的體質也變成易感。對!就是以前方向錯了,才會有痛苦的感覺。「那我要怎樣學習,人生才會變好呢?」我依稀記得  師父上人神態自若輕鬆地說:「跟著按部就班學習,一門深入,長時薰修,記住!不要心切。」聽了 師父上人的開示,自己頓時既放心又心安,這個人生的目標,似乎已經浮現了,只要好好學習就可以改善人生並且明白人生是怎麼回事,真的是太美妙了!


隨後發現自己是在多次的明覺法堂,於 師父上人的音聲淨化下,無形中化解了多年偏頭痛的毛病。過去月月報到的偏頭痛,在壓力和情緒差的時候會出現;在到了人多的地方,像台北車站,眼見人來人往,人群擁擠的時候,就開始煩躁不安、呼吸不順暢,這時偏頭痛也隨之出現。這種惱人的症狀是在學習佛法後,因為常常聽聞元和妙音,不知不覺就不藥而癒了。一般人可能很難體會,對我而言這真是太奇妙了!身體變得輕鬆自在多了。元和妙音的「妙」就在於聽聞者是各得其利,每個人在聽聞妙音後的功效,就像聽聞 師父上人說法開示一樣,各得其解。




師父曾經說過,古籍有紀載,最高段的醫術是所謂的「樂」,所以我們在講的藥,草字頭底下是樂,有一種樂音,你聽了讓你快樂,你的百病皆除,所以這是最高段的醫術。感恩 弘聖師父上人的音聲,這個一覺元的法脈,利益了所有有幸聆聽的有緣眾生,阿彌陀佛!



學生 淑惠敬筆


Yuan He Miao Yin--Beautify Your Life


    Yuan He Miao Yin is a supreme way of cultivation of Yi Jue Yuan Community.When I first met with Master Hong Sheng, I had the chance to hear his singing live. That was really a miraculous sound with strong power. I was deeply shocked, but no words could describe my feelings and there was much confusion in my heart. Later I had a chance to get the CD of Yuan He Miao Yin Impermanence and kept playing it at home all the time, while I still hadnt attended Master Hong Shengs Dharma teaching classes. When listening, I just found it could make me stable and concentrated. Therefore I began to strongly recommend the CD Impermanence to my friends. Like a panacea for them, I hope they could solve their problems by listening. The second time that I heard Master Hong Sheng singing Yuan He Miao Yin live was in his Dharma teaching lesson in Taipei. That time my heart was touched more deeply. And in the initial period of my listening to Master Hong Shengs Dharma teaching lessons, every time when he sang Yuan He Miao Yin, my tears and snot would keep flowing out of my control until he stopped singing. And several times when I was on my way home after the lesson, I was so tired that it seemed I had just finished climbing a high mountain, but there was much tranquility in my heart.

     At that time I was suffering from serious migraine. I had had the brainwave examination in the hospital and had studied a large number of health reports and ways of cure for the headache as well. However, my headache became worse and worse month after month. Master Hong Sheng said my wrong life direction caused the migraine, which also made me susceptable who used not to be. That was right. It was the wrong direction that made me miserable. I consulted Master Hong Sheng what I should do to make my life good. I vaguely remembered that being perfectly calm and at ease, he said,
Follow the preseribed order to learn and have an in-depth learning of one means without stop. Remember, dont be impatient. Hearing Master Hong Shengs words, I set my mind at rest right away and my life goal seemed to appear. As long as I had the right direction and studied hard, I could improve my life and understand what was going on with it. That was fantastic.

 joining in Master Hong Shengs Dharma teaching lessons for many times, I found my years of migraine problem was resolved under the purification of his Yuan He Miao Yin imperceptible. Before the migraine would occur every month when I was under pressure or in a bad mood. Besides, going to places with lots of people like Taipei station, seeing the crowds coming and going, I would feel restless and have difficulty in breathing, then the migraine would come along. However, because I always listened to Yuan He Miao Yin, the annoying symptom finally disappeared unconsciously without taking any medicine. It may be difficult for normal people to understand, but for me that was too amazing. I felt much more comfortable than before. The best of Yuan He Miao Yin lies in each listener would get his own benefit and everybody would receive their relief after listening. The effect is just like listening to his Dharma teaching lessons.

    I am so grateful that there were brothers and sisters who arose their kindness making the delicate Yuan He Miao Yin players during their learning process for deeply feeling the extraordinary use of it which could benefit more people. When I first got the player, I seemed to discover a treasure and brought it home, keeping playing it day and night. Even when I went on a business trip, I would take it with me for it could make the purification anywhere. Yuan He Miao Yin is a panacea with no side effects at all.

     Master Hong Sheng has said there are records in the ancient books that the highest level of the medical skill is the so-called
 means music). And the lower part of the Chinese character ( means medicine)  is . It means there is a kind of music which can make you happy after you hear it and thus all diseases could be eliminated. Thats the highest level of the medical skill. Thanks Master Hong Shengs Yuan He Miao Yin-the lineage of Yi Jue Yuan Community, which benefits all beings who are lucky to hear it. Amitabha.


Written by Zhang Shuhui

 January 5th,2020