Dharma Treasury
The Original Sound in Lotus Land
~ 蓮 境 妙 音 ~
The Sound In Lotus Land
江蕙演唱會音樂總監/ 資深音樂製作人/ 喜歡音樂總經理
陳子鴻 Eric Chen
『弘聖師父的音樂 ,給人一股平靜的力量。』
Listening to Master Hong Sheng’s music creates peace and strength of mind.
元和妙音是沒有文字的動人開示。不計其數的妙音受益者,在音波能量 ─《無住》的澆灌之下,身心靈獲得了不可思議的療癒效果,因此,頻頻詢問並啟請 師父上人何時再錄製新的專輯,同參們殷殷盼請,終於盼得因緣妙合,師父上人仲秋花東之行,於青山幽澗中佛唱再起,隨行同參眼見機不可失,機敏錄製,雖僅單曲收錄卻彌足珍貴。
After the album “IMPERMANENCE”, another masterpiece
The original sound is the wisdom speeches without words. Those who have been benefited by Master Hong Sheng’s first album “Impermanence” have been cured by the incredible energy that has healed the imbalance in bodies, minds, and souls. They have kept asking Master for new album to release from time to time. Finally the opportunity arrived, when the Master Hong Sheng was invited to visit Hua Lien in autumn 2014. He gave off the great sound in the natural scene; the fallowers who companied the Master took the chance to record the original sound, and to release the precious single EP.
一呼萬山應 天地彌不從
The original sound strikes a sympathetic chord in the
“The Sound in Lotus Land” is an omnipotent resonance in the universe. Furthermore, it works in tandem with the law of nature. The perfect energy of sound brings all universal notes into one; it cleanses the soul with immense power, as the way sunlight shines through a dark valley, the water cries in a stream. The great compassion of the sound is talking into your heart and your soul.
此音非彼音 非大功德力者難竟其功
It’s not the ordinary sound,
only those who have the virtue of the Buddha-nature can
sing it.
The original sound is neither recorded in the studio nor edited by computer. The pure sound comes out with plentiful energy spontaneously. Only people who possess Mahayana, the Great vehicle and have virtuous achievements can dominate the original sound. Even though there are similar sounds on the market, due to different people's inner cultivations will cause different affections. Master Hong Sheng, who owns both virtues and skills, gives off the sound with powerful and deep force, like the Buddha’s incredible present.
無為而為 自性起用 應緣發聲
Act without effort. Give off the sound by self-nature
that answers to the needs.
The power is limited when an action is painstaking; however, original sound is be singing from self-nature, it’s an action without effort, it answers to different time, objects, occasions, places spontaneously. Master Hong Sheng gives off the sound accordingly. It is an especial medicine that beyond description and imagination. Whoever hears the pure sounds will feel joyful and fulfilled. With different tones, the original sound gives each what he or she needs.
- 弘聖靈覺 禪師 法偈 -
世人所看到的世界都是意念的投影。我們存在於大大小小、層層疊疊由意念羅織而成的世界,念念成形,形皆有識,善念造就快樂淨土,惡念集聚成地獄惡邦。君不見,打開電視,翻開報紙,唯恐天下不亂的媒體,腥羶、聳動、脫軌、失序等種種負面報導排山倒海而來,諸多似是而非實則自私自利的論述大行其道,少數有上乘修行的人視為「大權示現」的活教材,警惕自勵,然而,絕大多 數可憫的芸芸眾生,就沒有如此的定靜功夫,整日被餵養負面能量,於是種種惡念翻攪,集聚成災難巨波,淹沒了別人也淹沒了自己。
The era fills with a variety of spiritual problems;
it is the time to let the original sound to awaken the
The physical universe is an actualization of thought. “We are what we think or act.” With our own thoughts we create our worlds. As a matter of fact, every one of us is practically creating a lot of karmas, wholesome or unwholesome, to make cause and effect every day. Every time when we turn on the TV or read the newspaper, many negative reports coming from chaotic medium. Few people can maintain their pure mind and avoid the toxic energies. However, most of people are not able to stay calm being exposed under the negative energy. As a result, bad thoughts become negative energies bringing bad influences into our worlds. When the balance between human and nature is broken, the distance between each other is getting wider, even more, the harmony between people and different dimensions is broken, and human being will be influenced both mental and physical. Thus, more and more people are suffering from anxious diseases like hypochondria or dementia. Luckily, thanks to the appearance of the original sound, the best medicine for spiritual problems. It’s full of so much purest and kindest energies that will have a great help for beings. Follow the wisdom of Manjushri Bodhisattva, follow the mercy of Kwan-Yin Bodhisattva, the epic proportions sound not only cures the diseases but also goes a step further to lift the lives, in addition, to bring the world to the right trick.
The cure-all medicine heals diseases of modern
Human beings have six senses, and hearing is the most approachable one of all. The original sound makes a subtle change on people physically and mentally. The universe consists of the vibration of thoughts. Therefore, all forms of substances exist through the process of vibration. The original Sound makes a divine vibration energy field. The power of sound cures chronic diseases; repair our cells safely with no cause of side effects. For example, by listening to the original sounds, pregnant ladies have felt more comfortable during the pregnancy and have delivered their babies smoothly. At the same time, the sound also has made a difference on the babies, helping them become healthier and more intelligent. In addition, those who have a special mental ability like psychics, they are easily get distracted by the spirit world, by listening to the sounds, they have become peaceful and have had better communication with the spirit world. Listening to the sound benefits us in many ways. It helps stabilize us physically and mentally, harmonize our magnetic field, explain and dissolve the mystery of karmas, and therefore, to change our destiny, to create a new chapter in our life.
科學驗證 信而有徵
江本勝博士的水實驗當中,證明了水分子也有覺知能力,聽聞好的音聲能量,便呈現出美不勝收的結晶體,同理,占有70%水份的人體,也可以在好的音波能量場中產生良好而微妙的變化,而 弘聖上師的元和妙音正是清靜平等靈覺的波動能場,此種至純、至善之音是一覺元學脈的主要修行課程及應世普化的特色之一,不僅能自我修持淨化,也能成為化通世間障難的利他之器,提升靈性、排憂解結,諸多罹患身心疾病,甚至癌症患者,在經過了音韻療法之後,病情大幅改善,而病歷的改善便是最大的證明,尤其,眾多聽聞妙音而受益的案例,數不勝數,紛紛發文於《一覺元部落格》表達其對上師的謝意,並將此妙法踴躍分享,嘉惠更多蒼生。
Scientifically validated and based on proof.
In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiment, it
was proven that water particles are capable of sensing. When they sense the
good energy of sound, they crystalize more beautifully. In the same fashion, 70
% of a human body is made up of water. Therefore, positive and subtle changes may
be generated under the influence of good energy of sound waves. Master Hong
Sheng’s original sound generates a tranquil, balanced, and spiritual field of
waves and energy. This ultimate pure and kind sound is one of the major
practicing courses and ways of YJYLC enlighten teaching, which purifies and
benefits the fallowers as well as overcomes obstacles and difficulties while in
the secular world. Many people who had suffered from cancer and mentally
problems or spiritual issues were cured. They are the best witnesses of how
treasure the original sound is. By far, there have been numerous articles that
express the gratitude to Master Hong Sheng on the YJYLC blog. At the same time,
we’d like to share this incredible sound to the world and to benefit more common
people and living creatures.
一音一韻 彌足珍貴
珍罕稀有 所以無價
覺者應世而出,應緣度化,然而因緣生滅不定,音聲之彌足珍貴,在於其一聲一韻皆殊勝非凡,猶如靈丹妙藥,一丸一散皆不捨浪費,即便有時戶外收音難免會有雜音,室內唱頌,也有聽聞者因個人質性而產生不同之現象,如淚涕、豎毛、 呵欠、靈動、敬拜、或合目養神者等種種現象所產生之音響,不過,雖稍有干擾但也不礙聆聽,為呈現現場之真實狀態,故都一一收錄其中,但若有業障深重者,初聞妙音時或許會有畏怯難耐的感受,若能持續勇於領受,不久便可獲得塵垢洗滌的效果。
Precious original sound pricelessly flows in
the universe.
Enlightened Master Hong Sheng who sings to liberate all sentient beings with causes and conditions, not only each single tone and rhythm mean infinity, but also the sound heals beings like cure-all medicine. Even there were some noises during outdoor recordings or noises from listeners’ movements; it won’t chance the value of the sound.
There might be some audients will feel
uncomfortable in their first contacts of original sound. The feeling will be
washed away after a certain time.
一曲千鈞重 無邊眾生度
To deliver all sentient beings from
the sound carries the weight of world.
“The Sound in Lotus Land” has great merciful power to benefit all beings, as boundless as “Impermanence”. We might not have the ears that appreciate the music, but we do have a sincere, opened heart to let the energy flow gently. The heavy chains in our hearts slowly got break, the entanglements slowly got loose. You have every right to cry out the burdens in your heart while listen to the purified original sound.
學人若能誠敬領受元和妙音,有助於深入定靜功夫,心誠則音誠,音誠則境界誠, 極誠則寂,故能得大解脫自在。
The ultimate liberation comes from receiving
the original sound with sincere heart.
Having a sincere mind; a mind of utmost sincerity can transform the secular mind and help meditation. If the listener receives the original sound with sincere mind, it will help the listener to be in depth meditation. With the pure mind, the sound goes through the highest level thoroughly. So that you can get to the path to Buddhahood and, what’s more, leads you to a great liberation.
妙音加持 福臨只臨有福之人
經云:「若有眾生得聞佛聲,慈心清淨,踴躍歡喜,衣毛為起或淚出者,皆由前世曾作佛道,故非凡人」。 換句話說,若不是具備有福德因緣者也難聞此音,可見福臨只臨有福之人,因緣稍縱即逝,怎能不善加珍惜。
Original sounds aids bless to those who have
already acquired
a great deal of merits and virtues.
According to Immeasurable Lifespan sutra, “
If there are beings who heard about the sound of the Buddha, they can make
their minds kind and pure, feel glad and happy, and get goose bumps all over or
shed tears, that is because they have practiced Buddhism in their former lives,
therefore they are not common people.” In the other hand, if not being blessed,
we are not be able to hear the sound , the causes and effect slips away, how
can we not cherish this opportunity?
"真正圓融療癒眾生的音律基底 不在於頻率 而在願力"
——弘聖靈覺 禪師 法語——
一片熱銷的CD,也許最初映入眼簾的是漂亮的包裝、知名的歌手或生花妙筆的讚詞。而坊間諸多所謂療癒系的音樂,演唱者大都不乏燦爛的經歷、繽紛的頭銜, 然而,世上尚沒有一片CD可以365天每天24小時連續播放而不膩耳,甚至,連紅龕桌上的神靈都傳訊讚嘆此音聲之稀有而珍惜不已,而這些絕無僅有的感應,真實的原因就在於「圓融療癒眾生的音律基底,不在於頻率,而在願力」,不在於優美的旋律,而在於演唱者無私無我的慈悲願力,《元和妙音》正是覺者無緣大慈、同體大悲的最大體現。
What actually heals the beings is not the melody,
but the great mercy.
---Dhammapada from Master Hong Sheng---
For a best-selling CD, it catches customers’ eyes through the fancy overwrap, the fame of the singer or big advertisement. Most of the healing-style music in the market is usually sung by singers who are experienced and well-know. However, none of these CDs can be played repeatedly 247 and even being praised by the heavenly spirits in the shrine. These unique songs are healing being with the great mercy not the moldy. It is the original sound that shows Master Hong Sheng’s compassion for all others as we are one entity.
一音一淨蓮 一韻一珠璣
傳家 珍藏 饋贈最相宜
福緣珍品 最佳傳家之寶
身心障難 最佳療癒之方
海外遠遊 最佳寄情之物
學子登科 最佳開智之囊
商場浮沉 最佳淨心之秘
Single tone and rhythm mean infinity,
Respect and honor the original sounds and share it to the world.
Let the original sound flows in our daily
lives, to refresh the modern beings’ souls; in addition to learn from Mater
Hong Sheng’s Buddhist teaching and apply it to our everyday lives, we will all
be self-mastery, carefree and at liberty. If the listeners share
the album to others, the kindness and merits are beyond bounds.
The best family heirloom;
The sound heals people who are suffering from imbalanced bodies,
minds and souls;
The best company when travelers are away from homes;
The best gift for students if they wish to attain the wisdom.
The best way to calm the minds when you are going through highs
and lows in the life.
清淨生慧 清淨無病
清淨無惱 清淨祥和
元和妙音 曠世鉅作
寧靜致遠 清淨純粹
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