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CD 《靈臺寂照》 元和妙音
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CD 《靈臺寂照》 元和妙音

From Introspection to Inward Harmony


From Introspection to Inward Harmony


弘聖靈覺 禪師 太初淨樂—音流禪 
From Introspection to Inward Harmony
Master Hong Sheng The Pure Music of Beginning-- Zen Music

    弘聖靈覺 禪師以法音開示,以音流淨化,所到之處皆令眾生生歡喜心,唯受限於時空條件,元和妙音聽聞者如掌中葉,爪上塵,受惠學人深感因緣難逢,一念善心起,逐發大願力。2010年秋,學法弟子們於寧靜園發心出資,啟請 弘聖靈覺 禪師定期至高雄「憲樂錄音室」錄製〈元和妙音〉,響、徹、清、柔、哀、亮、和、雅之純淨至善原音始獲完整善護珍存,候待佳時,問世利眾。


About the production

Buddha preaches with sound and music
    Master Hong Sheng enlightens us with dharma sounds, and purifies us with music. Wherever he goes, happiness follows. Due to the limitation of time and space, the people that have the opportunities to listen to Yuan-He-Miao-Yin, are very like a leaf in your hand, dust on a paw. The learners that have benefited from it feel that such chance is hard to encounter. They have sudden epiphany of benignity thinking to express the greatest will power. In the autumn of 2010, several followers and disciples, decided to finance this project at Tranquil Garden. They sincerely invited Master Hong Sheng to record “Yuan-He-Miao-Yin” at Send Studio in Kaohsiung Regularly to capture the original and purest music of sonority, clarity, clearness, tenderness, sadness, brightness, harmonious, and elegance. Then, his heavenly and inspiring music was recorded and preserved, awaiting the appropriate time to release for the benefit of the public.
    As chance makes this recording possible, it relies on learner’s great vows. With truth and sincerity, we will be empowered with the supreme awakening of Buddha power.
    In the summer of 2015, as time and space allowed, five miraculous songs were selected, with Tong Zhi Wei (Jcaklon Tung), a musician, to help with the post-production works. Then, the harmonious music came into being like the minute miraculous Zen, with light and sound shine. Pure benignity emerges, and the heaven and earth harmonize, illuminating the eternity in this secular world.


2016928 發行


靈台寂照   第一首


靈台寂照   第二首


靈台寂照   第三首


靈台寂照   第四首


靈台寂照   第五首