


Chronicle of Events
Biography of Master Hong Sheng
Master Hong Sheng
Yi Jue Yuan
  在禪藝講座的花絮,找到這一段  師父畫四年的作品的描述


  「觀照」,是一張人體的繪畫作品,從1996年畫到2000年,共花了四年才完成,每天約略花了4~8小時在這幅畫上,這是訓練“定”的歷程。當時年少的 師父上人的思想裡並未有”定”與”清淨”的概念, 師父上人也曾在學習的過程中因為大人所灌輸“競爭”的生活態度,而有一個星期多的時間屬於糾結的狀態,但卻因為在學習美術的過程中體會到整個宇宙的全體觀,頓然將競爭的心放下,進而超越時間與空間的障礙,也認知到多重維次空間的存在,也真正能夠體會藝術真的能夠美化人生,而第一個美化到的是自己。因為這種心態創作出來的作品擁有一股不可思議的能量。


  師父上人從中領悟無私無我才可能有真正的愛,最後提升到沒有條件的愛,對待萬物等同對待自己。難怪我們無法像 師父上人一樣,因為我們只有情識作用的愛,在文字上了解道理,而非真正的體悟宇宙的真理。這張畫是 師父持續不斷反觀的運作結果,而我們只看到畫作本身,卻無法看透畫作背後的理路。透過 師父上人的說明,我們才知道原來過程是這樣,然而怎麼會是這樣,這就需要我們自己來參透。
  戒、定、慧三學有其次第與深度,我們學佛只期待迅速得到想要的結果,殊不知我們定義的結果是虛妄的,因為價值觀完全錯誤。 師父上人說他現在沒有煩惱,也為我們分享每一段生命的體悟,隨之命運也難以想像的好轉,從小病弱的身體、出社會困窘的經濟狀況逐漸變好,體解到沒有慾望減輕了煩惱是真正的快樂,在藝術裡面也得到完滿的受用。周遭的人事物也一一印證 師父上人所了解的真理。



In the article “Titbits of Zen Art Lecture”, I read a description of a painting by Master Hong Sheng, named Contemplation.  It took him four years to finish this work of art.


Contemplation is a painting of a human body.  It took from 1996 to 2000 to paint.  Master spent four years finishing it, working on it for between four and eight hours every day.  It had been a process of cultivating Samadhi.


At a young age, Master did not have any concept or idea of Samadhi or tranquility.  As he grew up he gained a competitive attitude which had him in a quandary for over a week.  However, Master realised the holism of the universe as he learned art.  He let go of the idea of competition immediately, transcended the obstacle of time and space, realised the existence of multiple dimensions, and became aware that art beautifies life and that he, the creator and artist, would be the first to benefit.  Based on this attitude and understanding, the artwork would contain an amazing positive energy.


It is unbelievable but true that Master spent four years continuously working on one work of art.  In this painting, the human body, which is the main subject, gradually melts into the other objects, fusing with the chair and the background.  They are combined together in harmony, the same as the nature of the whole universe.

Master realised that true love is based on anatman (non-self) and selflessness, and finally understood that love is unconditional.  We need to treat others and everything else as we treat ourselves.  No wonder that Master is far beyond us, as we love others only with sentimentality and emotion; we only know the literal meaning of love rather than really understanding the Truth of the universe.  This painting is a result of the continuous contemplation by Master.  We just see the painting itself; we hardly gain an insight into the implications of it.  Through Master’s explanation we have heard the process, but we still have no idea what it is all about.  In the end, we need to fathom it out by ourselves.


There is a sequence and levels of learning Precepts, Samadhi and Wisdom.  Most people expect the desired results by learning Dharma while practicing it.  We learn that we are not doing this for the result – expecting result is not the right approach for someone learning Dharma.  Master said that he no longer has worries and that his life has transformed in an unimaginably positive way.  He shared his life experience at different stages with us, for example his poor health from his childhood has improved.  His financial position has become better and better after he started to work.  He realised that worries come from desires.  Without any desires, we can embrace true happiness.  Without worries, the art Master creates is perfect for himself and everyone else.  Events Master has witnessed around him, and people he has spoken to, have proven the Truth to him.