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最後末學再也受不了了,便拿起手機迅速的以廠內眾生之名義,轉護持款入一覺元專戶,神奇的是,竟從發送完的那一刻起,便沒再乾嘔,頭痛感也隨著睡眠慢慢消散,隔日也沒有再持續前一日這般頭疼的現象。生平頭一次在農曆七月有這麼劇烈難耐的感受,末學不解,為何我們這麼投注心力的普渡儀式,卻不及一個小小的三分鐘舉動。原來還有比供桌上的美食還來得有實質意義的看不見、摸不著的「能量」~ 好兄弟真的太識貨了。感恩一覺元這樣不思議的能場,救了末學也救了不同維次的眾生們。


再次感恩 弘聖 師父上人的正量救渡。






末學  端容  敬筆




Something Is Invisible, Intangible But Does Exist. / Experience Sharing

Author:Lee, Duan Rong


Hello everyone, I would like to share a strange thing with you today. We are a family-owned metal manufacturing factory. Like most owners, our chairman has always cared a lot about folk customs. Besides the second and sixteenth day of each lunar month, "worship” in every lunar July, "Pu Du," is a must do. Moreover, the chairman usually finds a master that he trusts to host this Dharma Service, and he is very cautious about this matter.


However, something was strange. At the beginning of September this year, everything about Pu Du was done as usual, including the sacrifices, Wuzhai such as daylily, black fungus, bean noodles, shiitake mushroom, and dried bamboo shoots, five fruits (orange, apple, passion fruit, peach, mango, pear), biscuits that cost more than ten thousand dollars, cans, snacks, etc. In the past, we only prepared 2 chicken drumsticks and 2 cans of drinks for the foundation guardian, but this time we upgraded to a chicken drumstick bento box, nothing less than what we should do. On the day of Pu Du, we made much effort to place the offerings. The monk placed his appliance as usual, and the ceremony began right on two o’clock in the afternoon. During the ongoing Dharma Service, the supervisors would take turns holding a plate of offerings from time to time. The weather on that day was quite hot, and some colleagues held the umbrellas for the master to protect him from the sun. Under the circumstances, the master and the assistants finished the ceremony till around four o’clock in such a sonorous atmosphere. The process also involved lighting incense and inserting it on all the offerings so that the good brothers could take them, and finally burning gold paper, etc. In the end of the ceremony, the master tossed steamed buns, coins, nails, which everyone could pick them up (I have participated the ceremony for 3 times and still don’t know its purpose. I only know that picking up money means bringing wealth.).



After the Dharma Service, everyone was happy to distribute the offerings to the employees. It seemed the Pu Du Dharma Service was being held as a party. In order to show our generosity, we went to the supermarket twice in a row yesterday. I thought that good brothers were so lucky. This year we had prepared more abundant food. This was the only year that we could fill two large tables with offerings fully. In previous years, there was space left on the tables.


However, on the next day, I started feeling very uncomfortable. I don’t often have headaches, except sometimes the day before my period, but that wasn’t as painful as this time. Then I kept thinking about why I had such a bad headache, so I started to guess various possibilities. Could it be the reason that I had been working overtime recently and not getting enough sleep? Was it because I wasn’t tender and stable enough? While I was questioning over and over again in my mind, I also tried to recite the Buddha's name. I only recited two sentences of the Buddha's name in my mind, and I couldn't recite it anymore. Instead, my headache became severe. Not only that but I kept retching.


I had never had so many problems during a day. I also began to wonder whether yesterday's Dharma Service was not completed well. In short, no matter how many speculations I had, the retching became more serious, and I even retched foams. When I suffered from the physical discomfort, the idea of donating money to the Yi Jue Yuan for all the sentient beings in the factory came up in my mind for several times, but I still hesitated a little. I felt like I was cheating, because I didn’t learn hard. And when the bad situation happened, I looked for a miracle pill instead. But I was already so uncomfortable that if I didn't do it, my headache would not stop. And I even had difficulty in breathing as if I was dying. While feeling uncomfortable, I felt compelled to give alms to all sentient beings in the factory. I even knew what name I should sign, and it kept occurring in my mind over and over again.


Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I picked up my phone and quickly transferred the funds to the Yi Jue Yuan in the name of all the sentient beings in the factory. Miraculously, from the moment I donated, I stopped retching. The headache gradually disappeared when I slept, and there was no headache the next day. It was the first time in my life that I had such an uncomfortable feeling in the July of the lunar calendar. I couldn’t understand why the Pu Du ceremony that we put so much effort into was not as good as the three-minute action. It turned out that there was an invisible and intangible "energy" that was more substantial than the delicacies on the table. The good brothers were definitely insightful. I am grateful to the incredible energy field of Yi Jue Yuan for saving me and all sentient beings in different dimensions.


Thank Master Hong Sheng again for saving me by his compassionate energy.






Duan Rong,
