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師公比我想像的還神奇 【Master, an Amazing Person Beyond My Thought】
來源: | 作者:pmo6334f2 | 發布時間: 2018-04-23 | 1086 次瀏覽 | 分享到:


  放學後,媽媽帶我跟弟弟去醫院看爸爸,看到爸爸表情非常不舒服,才知道爸爸病得很嚴重。爸爸住院之後,我和弟弟承驊就去住在阿嬤家。阿嬤都會叫我們念阿彌陀佛,還有聽 師公的話念《弟子規》、拜佛,迴向給爸爸的冤親債主,希望爸爸快點好起來。阿嬤也會帶我們去醫院看爸爸,爸爸臉上都是帶著微笑,還會開玩笑,不會擺出不舒服的表情,讓我覺得爸爸非常厲害。
  爸爸怕我和弟弟常去醫院不好,但是阿嬤說:「師公說,學《弟子規》這個時候不用,那什麼時候才用(落實)?」所以我們幾乎每天放學都去醫院陪爸爸,幫爸爸用熱水泡腳按摩,希望可以幫爸爸減輕一些痛苦。很感恩 師公說服爸爸和媽媽讓我們可以去醫院為爸爸盡一分心力,而不是待在家裡擔心害怕。
  在爸爸開刀的前一天(6/9),我們去看爸爸,那天 師公在電話裡唱元和妙音,爸爸聽到都哭了,而且是痛哭流涕,我第一次看到爸爸這樣。
  爸爸開完刀住院的那段時間,並沒有用止痛劑之類的東西,醫生常常來病房詢問需要打止痛針嗎?爸爸都回說:「不用!因為我不痛啊!」有一次主治醫生還回爸爸說:「怎麼可能不痛?」讓我覺得非常神奇,也讓我知道了 師公真的很厲害。
  爸爸出院後,走路還是不太方便,須拄著拐杖,但還是來參加我的畢業典禮,讓我非常感謝爸爸,更感恩 師公。爸爸去做復健時,那些復健師都說:「你現在怎麼可能站著而且還能行走?應該是癱瘓在床才對呀!」我才驚覺 師公比我想像的還神奇!妙音也是!後來爸爸的腳可以不用拐杖了,還帶我們去韓國玩,讓我覺得爸爸幾乎已經恢復回原來的樣子了,很感恩 師公給我們一個幸福的家。經過這次爸爸生病的經驗,讓我們知道了要聽 師公的話──好好孝順父母,珍惜跟他們相處的時間!希望大家看完之後,也和我有一樣的想法。
  感恩 師公
  姿蒨 叩首
  我是此篇受傷主角的姐姐,我弟(職業軍人)在2014年2月與弘聖師父上人預約請教問題,記得當時他請教 師父:退伍後怎麼做,就可以靠退休俸在家吃喝拉撒睡,不用再去就業~?
  我弟那時弟回覆:好 但是只有剛開始很認真之後就有一餐沒一餐的敷衍了事,就在同年6月初就出了一個意外,椎間盤破裂(自己做仰臥起坐把椎間盤弄裂)醫生說不可能,應該是被外力從後面猛烈撞擊才會有現在X光片上看到的裂縫 。結果我弟當時真的剛好存了70幾萬,剛好付當時的開刀費。
                    學生 晏菱 

Master Hong Sheng Is More Amazing Than I Imagined

Written given by Zi Qian



    When I was about to graduate from elementary school, my dad got sick. That day, I woke up and heard my dad say that he had no strength in his feet and he couldn’t walk. I immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the living room to ask my dad what was wrong. My dad said that he couldn’t feel his legs and asked me to massage him. I started to pray that my father would be okay while massaging. Later, dad was sent to the hospital emergency room by my uncle and grandma.


    After school, my mother took me and my brother to the hospital . My dad had a very uncomfortable expression and then I realized that my father was seriously ill. After my father was hospitalized, my younger brother, Chenghua, and I went to stay at grandma's house. Grandma always asked us to recite Amitabha and listen to Master's words to recite the "Di Zi Gui" and worship Buddha to dedicate to my father's karmic creditors, hoping my father would get well soon. Grandma also took us to the hospital to see dad. Dad always had a smile on his face, and he even joked around. He didn’t show that he was uncomfortable, and this made me feel my dad so super.


    Dad was worried that it would be bad for my brother and I to go to the hospital too often. But Grandma said: "Master says if you don’t use what you have learned from " Di Zi Gui " at this time, when will you use it?" So we went to the hospital almost every day after school. We helped him massage while soaking his feet in hot water hoping to relieve his pain. I am very grateful to Master for persuading my parents so that we can go to the hospital and do our part for dad, instead of just being worried at home.


    The doctor finally found out what was wrong with dad (ruptured intervertebral disc). Although I didn’t understand much of it, even after listening to my father’s explanations. I was really happy, because my father could finally receive treatment for his foot and hurry home. But I was very nervous when knowing that my dad was going to have an operation.


    The day before dad's surgery (6/9). We went to see him. On that day Master sang Miao Yin on the phone, my dad cried when he heard it, and he cried his heart out. It was the first time I had ever seen him like that.


    On the day of my father's operation (6/10), I took a day off from school and went to the hospital. I was very nervous that day, and I kept chanting Amitabha in my heart hoping that my dad would be blessed. Watching my father being wheeled in for surgery, I was so nervous that my heart almost jumped out.


    After waiting for more than eight hours, my dad was finally being pushed out. Dad even made a gestured "Ya" to us which made me think he must be able to go home soon.


    When dad was hospitalized after surgery, he didn't use painkillers or anything like that. Doctors often came to ask if he needed painkiller shot? My father always replied: "No,because I'm not in pain!" Once the doctor replied to my father: "How is it possible that you has no pain?" It made me feel amazing. And it helped me realize that Master is really magical.


    After my father got discharged from the hospital, it was still difficult for him to walk and he had to use a cane, but he still came to my graduation ceremony. I was grateful for my dad and even more grateful for the Master. When my father went for rehabilitatio. Those therapists all said: "How can you be standing and walking right now? You are supposed to paralyze and lie on the bed!" That's when I knew the Master was more magical than I imagined, so was Miao Yin! Later, my father's no longer need the cane for his feet. He even took us for a vacation in Korea which made me feel that dad had almost recovered fully. I am so grateful to Master for giving us a complete family. After experiencing my dad being ill this time, we understand that we need to listen to the Master. Be filial to our parents and cherish the time we have with them. I hope you all think the same as me after reading it.


Thank you, Master!



Zi Qian
